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Topic: What would be the definition of “wasting”?

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Posted by Albert on 05-11-2010
One of the things i find most difficult dealing with in my personal journey of creating my unique expression of play back in my room is spending hours and hours tuning/developing some aspect, usally in a specific occasion of time that i have had planed for weeks in advance (due to my schedule circumstances) only to come out the other side not having made the advances or success i had pictured in my mind, or worse, feeling i am going backwards.

Some times the feeling of loss is so great it takes me out from my game for weeks even months at a time untill i have recovered and have the "mind" to apply again. Romy's "wasted weekend" got me thinking -

Am i a crazy, deludid indivdule that needs help? or are there others who share this experience?

What do you do to empower yourselves in minimising the impact from such feelings of loss and frustration and the "taking out of the game"? This seemingly unavoidable devil in your journey of expression?

You see, if i could dissapear this "experience" of "wasted time" or mitigate it to a negligable level than i think a new level of results and satisfaction would descend. It's not that it is a problem, quite the contrary. I currently see it as unavoidable and therefore am chalanged to dissapear it.

Please enlighten me with any practices or structures you may use in dealing with this "unaviodable" devil.


Posted by Romy the Cat on 05-11-2010

I do not have the similar feelings of sorrow for the wasted time. Whatever we do in a life is a wasted time in a way and life in pretty much what we sell to ourselves. I would like to note that people enter to time wasting ceremonies purely voluntary…

In my “time wasting” with audio I usually never in the mode “let see what happen” but I rather in the mode “I need some aspect of reproduction and I am trying to discover how to get it”:

…so, my “time wasting” uselessly precede my initial interest, so I do not feel SO bad for my “time wasting”. My “time wasting” also imply a lot of consulting with other individuals who are specialists in given narrow field that I need. With a certain level of communication skills it is possible to make my own problem and frustration as somebody else’s problems, and I LOVE to outscore problem with my playback to the people of my selection.

My biggest problem is that I very much know what I need but I very frequently know HOW to accomplish what I need, consulting with other helps only to a degree. In a large scale, I think the "wasted time" with audio is not so bad. Man by nature is biologically predisposed to do "time wasting" and to waste time in audio experimenting is not the worst time spending I have seen. It has also a lot of to do within own recognition of what one looking for. One might look for externals evidence of Sound. Another might use Sound to learn something about himself. It just look like the people do the same things – polishing cable elevators but in realty then might have different super objectives and even they are engaged in the same activities but they do different thighs.

The Cat

Posted by Albert on 05-11-2010
It is self evident that you operate in the mode of "I need some aspect of reproduction and you are trying to discover how to get it". This is my point. Relative to what i am accomplishing, the velocity in which you elvolve your system is fast. I get frustrated and disenchanted when things dont progress as fast as i would like, but particually when i am set to acheive an outcome and i dont acheive it by when i thought i would. I notice for myself that i then take awhile untill i have the mind to tackle it again. This is what is limiting the velocity of my systems (and mine own i guess) evolution. None of this is a problem and i am happy with what i am up to and acheive alot of satisfaction from my endovours and then there is my commitment in the matter, that i increase my ability to evolve faster.

I get that your 'wasted weekend" was not a wasted weekend againest your intrest and did not intend to imply anything about how you spend your time or that you may have wasted it. Not at all. It occurs to me that againest your intrested there was no time wasted. It was all criticle in "descovering how to get it" Maybe more acuratly i would have called it "time invested in persuing an outcome and not acheiving it in a specific, pre-detirmined occasion" Of course if you are up to anything outside of what you know then you are going to have times where you dont make progress againest what you are commited to.

I agree that yes, creating an unique expression in playback - there is lots of worst ways to spend time, and i think it is a great way of learning about myself, and that learning never ends, just like the evolution of our sound systems never ends, well i havent seen the end yet.

There is no sorrow for wasted time from me. This is about the mechanics of my humanity.

I thought maybe you or others may share this frusration and may have overcome it in yourselves and am interested in how you may have done it. If not, then i am a weirdo and so be it! it will not stop me in my endevours.


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