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Melquiades Amplifier
Topic: I have seen this simular concept

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Posted by Romy the Cat on 09-18-2009

Here is another thing as a derivation to the Midbass Horns and Real Estate subject:

What I home and what it is not summer then I like to run my amps. They might not pay all time but I like what they are on and I like that when I want to play some music … I just play it.

It 12 tube channel and they are all in class A.  They generate heat in my room as a small Pittsburg coal-burning power station. In my new plays it will be bugger room but doe I need to run all time air-conditioner  to maintain my room’s temperature?

So, I wonder…if it were a permanent installation in my new place then why wouldn’t I consider a real-estate solution? I never seen people do it but I wonder why? How about to have each Melquiades amplifier enclosed into a glass or plexiglas made sarcophagus and a very small pipe attached to the top or it rung outside, terminated with a sucking out fan?   This way the heat of the amp will not affect the room. I in fact like the ides very much and it will not be hard to make. It might be even the concept like the kitchens have above burners – the heat collecting plate/horn…

If anyone has seen anything ready to go that that might be accommodated to the task then let me know.


The caT

Posted by misnacat on 09-18-2009
 Romy the Cat wrote:
If anyone has seen anything ready to go that that might be accommodated to the task then let me know.
I have seen this concept done with Atmasphere amplifiers a while ago. A fellow I bought some equiptment from had his amps enclosed in home made plexi glass boxes.

There was a whisper fan built into the front of the box drawing air in and blowing onto the amps with a second whisper fan mounted on a end of a 90 degree elbow pipe with a extention that exited through into the basement below his room. The pipe itself is used for plumbing and was about 4 or 5 inches in diameter. The boxes were low profile just a couple of inches or so above the vacuum tubes, he said it worked well.

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