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Musical Discussions
Topic: Sibelius VC; Furtwangler/BPO/Kulenkampff

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Posted by Paul S on 09-06-2009

From a tape of a live performance radio broadcast, 1943; Unicorn, UNI 107

I think I remember another thread with impassioned references to this concerto, but I could not find it.  Anyway, I was thinking that perhaps this post should be merged  with that one, apropos..

This concerto seems to be one where someone is bound to try the "soloist-leads-orchestra"  gambit, due to the nature of this music.  This particular performance is interesting for a number of reasons, not the least being the fact that the incredible play sounds "as if" Kulenkampff were leading the orchestra.

Well, I don't claim to "know" Furtwangler, but it seems more likely from what I do know of him that he is in fact in exactly as much control here as he wants to be, and so he is more likely hearing the piece as a "soloist" would as he conducts it.

Which is a roundabout way of "explaining" that this is one for the ages, as coherent a SVC as I have ever heard or expect to hear.

I played the first movement of Tossy with LSO/Hannikainen (the Finn...) just to compare.  Suffice to say that I only got into the 2nd movement, then re-played the entire Kulenkampff.

Actually not a bad recording, either, given the inevitable compromises and the aging, etc; the Music just pours out of it.

What I wouldn't give for those tapes...

Paul S

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