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Topic: Martin Colloms Book

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Posted by Romy the Cat on 08-18-2009

I have to admit that I never read any books about loudspeakers design never had needs or interests - perhaps this why Macondo sounds so “different”.  I was looking through some researches and articles but I very seldom took them under consideration.  It is not found them wrong but I rather found them not applicable or not interested for myself. I do not accumulate abstract audio knowledge and I have interest ONLY in the problems I faced, identified for myself and understand practically.

So, I kind of in my non-intensive Loudspeakers Real-Estate Mode and I wonder if any interesting and generally educational book out there about Loudspeakers and Rooms?  I also might be interested in some kind book about construction of near-field sound reinforcement systems for pro audio application and methods of results perdition and correction. If someone knows any worth reading book about the subject then let me know. I generally have tendency do not like books that teach subject; in fact I rare ever read them. I am more biased toward the books that ask right question is a smart mentoring format….

I was looking on-line and found a book “Sound Reproduction: The Acoustics and Psychoacoustics of Loudspeakers and Rooms” by Floyd Tool

The Amazon reviews are good but it looks like the book is more about the designing of loudspeakers – it is not what I am looking. I do not know the Floyd Tool personably but it look he was working for year for Harman International – perhaps in his book he have answer why Harman under his technical supervision made up so many crappy loudspeakers…

So, I wonder if any books are more rooms-centric instead of the loudspeakers. I do not really need a guidance book “what to do” - I know myself what to do, but I would appreciate a book that would offers some thinking on the subject and offer the analyses of successes and failures patterns…

Rgs, the Cat

Posted by serenechaos on 08-18-2009
Have you read Alton Everest's "Master Handbook of Acoustics?"
Not about loudspeakers, but a lot of info about rooms, and interactions. 
Not a "textbook," but a lot of subject matter is presented--this way, or this way, or this way. 


Posted by Romy the Cat on 08-18-2009

Excellent, serenechaos, thank you very much. I just bought it.

I was sold to it looking at the Amazons review, particularly those that gave to the book minimum votes:

“This book is excellent as an introduction to room acoustics. But it has no focus on a myriad of other acoustical issues. It should be called 'Master Handbook of Room Acousitics.'”

“Despite its title, this book should better be called Master Handbook of Room Acoustics, as it is primarily and almost solely dedicated to the acoustics of enclosed rooms.”

That is very much in the alley with what I was looking for. I might presume that in the book will be much dedicated to thinking about room as “recording studio”. It is not the thinking pattern that I am interested but I do not need specific recommendation but rather illustrations how other people think about rooms. The negative comments from the readers suggest that I might like the book:

“But, it does have some flaws. Often it doesn't explain things enough; sometimes it's more of a discussion of the topic rather than an explanation.”

“OK, so this does not cover ALL acoustics. If one is interested in recording or playback acoustics, this is THE BEST. As an engineer and producer who has been involved in the construction of a dozen studios…”

Well, it sounds very good to me… Thanks again,
The cat

Posted by Amir on 08-19-2009
Martin colloms wrote a book about speaker design .
it's name is "advanced loudspeaker design"

i do not think it be so useful to you but you can take a consider.

Posted by Markus on 08-19-2009
I have the Colloms book. It does not provide the info Romy seeks. The Toole book is better suited, but I generally think a book dedicated to room acoustics, such as the Everest one cited above, is the better choice.

I don't know the Everest book, it sounds interesting. From memory, I can recommend the Beranek book on Acoustics, it comes from a lot of practical experience. Been a long while since I read it, though, and I gave it to an acquaintance about 20 years ago who I lost contact with, so I can't say exactly how suitable.

Posted by Amir on 08-19-2009

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