Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: My new “New” listening room, 2024
Post Subject: Impressive SoundPosted by Paul S on: 5/19/2024
A lot to digest here, Romy. I think the problem for Wilson, and most other “high-end manufacturers”, for that matter, is that they have to sell them, and they are looking for something that makes their brand “stand out”. And who’s impressed? This seems to go back to your observations about the aesthetic that guides the listener in the first place. Wherever the Music exists in the first place, there can be little doubt that for many sound system consumers it’s a matter of playing with sound effects. All fine and OK, I suppose, to each his own and all that. But I like to think of GSC as an oasis of ”evolved listening” via hi-fi. The thing about “own sound” is, it ultimately limits expression, and it tends to wear thin.

Best regards,
Paul S

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site