Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: My new “New” listening room, 2024
Post Subject: VitaVox Mid-Bass?Posted by Paul S on: 5/12/2024
Again, Romy, nothing short of amazing that time, energy and focus came together for you! And good to hear that you are still getting Music from old CDs. I hope it goes just as smoothly for you when you turn back to LPs.

If you said anything about your 15" VitaVox in the video, I must  have missed it. What frequency range are you running them, and what is low-pass filter? Given your prejudices, I suppose the cabinets are sealed, so they can't go too deep? Are you using Milq to drive them? If so, how do you load 6C33Cs? I suppose that's the last leg before the IBs, so it would have to be working pretty well?

Of course I agree, the 500 lb. gorilla is definitely space, all right. With the cost and complexity of Trinnov, not to mention the need for related Musical program material, I doubt I will ever get anything that serious integrated in my own system. Fun to follow You and Bill, however, as you learn from each other. It will also be illuminating to find out how much Music there is to be extracted from existing home theater programing.

Best regards,
Paul S

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site